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Gospel Tidbits: He Who Winneth Soul
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Gary James Smith
Other Poems by Gary James Smith


While working in a steel mill in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario one of the jobs I had was to help clean out the furnaces when the mill was down. As soon as the red hot bricks would cool down, with our watering them using 4 inch hoses, a group of five men would enter the furnace and begin jackhammering the brick loose and we would shovel it towards a hole in the furnace floor. Usually we would work one hour on and then have an half hour break.I had already shared the gospel with all of the fellows that I was working with over a period of time and so during my half hour break I felt led of the Lord to walk down the mill and pray that God would lead me to share the gospel with a needy soul.

As I was walking and praying, I noticed a fellow having a lunch break off by himself. I approached him and said "what are you doing at 7 o'clock this evening?" "The reason that I am asking you," I said, "is that our church is having evangelistic meetings this week and I was wondering if you would like to come." "Normally, it is hard enough to get people to come a block or two but this is only twenty miles away, and I can give you a ride." He laughed and explained that he might have come but that he had to go to Sudbury, Ontario as he and his cousin had entered a contest sponserd by Coke and they had chosen his name and he had won his money back for the motorcycle that he had recently purchased.

I said, "the reason I am asking you this is because recently I became a born again christian believer". "Has anyone ever explained to you how you can be born again
and how you can come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?" "No", he answered "they haven't". "Do you mind if I share with you how you can come to know the Lord?" "No," he said,"not at all". So for the next twenty five minutes or so I explained to him as best I could. Finally, he said, sorry to interrupt you but I have to get back to work", "no problem" I said, I have to get back to work as well. Nice chatting with you I said.  He then asked me "What church do you go to anyways". "Goulais River Baptist"  I said. "I think a cousin of mine goes there" he said. "What's his name?" I replied, "Larry" he said. "Yes, I know of him" I said but I don't know him really well. "Catcha later" I said and off I went.

A couple of years went by and five couples from Goulais River Baptist Church went out to a bible school in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. While attending bible school there I met a guy by the name of Ross who I heard was a Christian but when I spoke with him he said he wasn't attending church anywhere.  We got to know him and he came to visit us in our home often.  God began working in his heart and life. He got on fire for the Lord and was a vibrant testimony to the saving grace of the
gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Some of the fellows from the college decided to move down to Calgary, Alberta and start a work there. Rossjoined them when they  moved down to Calgary and was staying at Larry's home. A short time later, Lynn, the fellow whom I had felt led of the Lord to share with, went out west to visit his cousin Larry who formerly attended
Goulais River Baptist Church.

During one evening, Ross shared with Lynn how he had come to know the Lord and when Lynn went downstairs later that evening to retire, he bowed his head and asked Christ to come into his heart. Praise the Lord. Meantime, I was still back in Saskatchewan when I received a letter from Larry, asking if I had ever witnessed to a
tall blonde haired fellow in the steelplant a couple of years back. I wrote back and said that I had. He said, well I think that this is the same fellow who just came
to know the Lord.

My wife and I were planning on moving back to Ontario in the next little while , so I said to my wife, "let's go down to Calgary and say goodbye to everyone as we
probably will never come back out west again." (Boy did God ever suprise us on that one).

When we arrived in Calgary a few days later. Guess who greeted me with a smile and a warm, firm handshake! You guessed it! Lynn. The same fellow whom God had led me to share the gospel with at the steel mill. 

A number of years later, my wife and I with our family were back in Alberta and Lynn along with a few other fellows were sitting at our kitchen table across from me.
Lynn, I said, "I never have really had an opportunity to ask someone who has come to know the Lord, how they felt when I was sharing with them". "Would you mind
sharing your thoughts with me and the others present here just what you were feeling". "Sure", he said. "I was angry with you that you took up all my lunch time talking with me and I never got to finish my lunch." "I'm sorry" I replied, then he stood up with an extended hand for a handshake "but,"Praise God you did, because now I am a rejoicing born again believer!" I gave him a hearty handshake and we praised God together for what great things the Lord had done.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour. I watched his life transform from a timid believer to a vibrant witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Copyright Feb l4 2011
Gary James Smith
If God leads you to share the Word
Then, share led by His Spirit
His Word shall not return unto Him void
The lost they need to hear it
That's why so urgent is the prayer
Lord lead me to a needy soul today
He will give you the words to speak
Yours to trust and obey
When we have witness this side of Heaven
As to how the seed that was sown
Took root in a heart prepared by Him
We praise Him all day long
Commanded by Him we preach the Word
To some seems foolishness
But praise God we have true evidence of
New believer's walking in bliss
New creatures now in Christ Jesus
Redeemed and being forgiven
Living their life on earth as if
They had one foot in Heaven
I've watched and rejoiced in transformations
Seen with my very own eyes
Makes that scripture all the more precious
He who winneth soul's is wise.
Copyright Feb 14  2011
Gary James Smith
Champion, Alberta, Canada 


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Submitted: Saturday, February 26, 2011

Last Updated: Saturday, February 26, 2011

About the Poet
I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour in January of 1972. I was married on Oct 21,1966 to my wife Linda who also loves the Lord. We have ten children and now twenty-four grand children. In Aug 2012 we got the announcement of the birth of our first GREAT grand child (a baby girl). I was thrilled to find others of like precious faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior! I am presently living in Champion, Alberta, Canada but we are originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. That is where the poem Canadian Tribute to America was birthed. One Sunday as I walked across the city on my way to church I came to the top of a hill and looked across at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After watching the events of the Sept 11 tragedy it was weighing on my heart and mind and the Lord gave me these words. We came to Calgary and when my oldest daughter saw this poem she said, �Dad, what�s this?� and I said a poem and she replied �Dad, that�s not a poem , that�s a song� and she then went to the piano and began to sing and play it. The result of which turned into a song entitled, A Canadian Tribute to America which she recorded on CD. garyjamessmith2005@yahoo.ca

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