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The Cross
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 3 times

By Gary James Smith
Other Poems by Gary James Smith

As blood on the door posts of Moses of old,
Delivered the Israelites from Egypt’s sore fold.
So Christ on the cross, His blood shed for sin,
Delivers each sinner who comes unto Him!

As deliverance was granted and God in His grace,
Opened waters before them, they entered by faith!
Such, our deliverance, in Jesus our Lord,
As we walk by faith in Him and trust in His Word!

Our Passover Lamb, though smitten and bruised,
For our transgressions let Himself be abused!
But for the joy set before Him, He endureth the cross,
To save this old world from infinite loss!

Greater love hath no man, let faith banners fly!
That God so loved this world, He sent His Son to die!
What glory and splendor! Our Creator! Such caring!
Gave His blessed Son, Saviour! The fine Rose of Sharon!

No saint can stay silent! Nor will, not surrender!
To Jesus, our Lord! Our God and Defender!
So jubilant hearts give praise as we sing,
Our Lord and our Saviour, is King of Kings!

Well may the glad tidings, this day be to us,
We will not glory, save in the cross!
If He be lifted, will draw all men to Him!
Shall we still wallow, in degradation of sin!

In whose army are we, if not our Lord’s,
Bravely go forward preaching the Word!
Proclaim deliverance to captives of sin,
Speak truth in love by the Spirit within.

Be of good courage, help shore up the ranks!
Faithfully marching, giving God thanks!
Nor halt till He tells us, His strength He’ll impart,
Our duty! Obedience! We serve from the heart!

Press onward, O soldier, the victory’s won,
Deliverance provided by Jesus, God’s Son.
What high, holy, calling, reserved for such men,
Who look for their Savior’s soon coming again!

Flee youthful lusts, be men strong and true
Joy in that victory, God delivers us too!
That cleansing flood streameth over my soul
My blessed Redeemer hath made me whole!

The cross! The cross! His blood shed for sin!
Has opened the way! Let sinners come in!
Without shedding of blood! No remission, saith He,
The cross! The cross! The cross! The cross of Calvary!

Gary J. Smith © Copyright Mar. 30, 1999 @ 3:30 a. m.

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Submitted: Saturday, April 19, 2003

Last Updated: Saturday, April 19, 2003

About the Poet
I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour in January of 1972. I was married on Oct 21,1966 to my wife Linda who also loves the Lord. We have ten children and now twenty-four grand children. In Aug 2012 we got the announcement of the birth of our first GREAT grand child (a baby girl). I was thrilled to find others of like precious faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior! I am presently living in Champion, Alberta, Canada but we are originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. That is where the poem Canadian Tribute to America was birthed. One Sunday as I walked across the city on my way to church I came to the top of a hill and looked across at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After watching the events of the Sept 11 tragedy it was weighing on my heart and mind and the Lord gave me these words. We came to Calgary and when my oldest daughter saw this poem she said, �Dad, what�s this?� and I said a poem and she replied �Dad, that�s not a poem , that�s a song� and she then went to the piano and began to sing and play it. The result of which turned into a song entitled, A Canadian Tribute to America which she recorded on CD. garyjamessmith2005@yahoo.ca

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