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True Story
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times

By Gary James Smith
Other Poems by Gary James Smith

True Story...my young son had started going to church along with his younger sister and mother and he was burdened for me to come along...our vehicle was broken down and the pastor would pick them up for church...I had no interest whatsoever in ever going and so my excuse always was...not this Sunday son...maybe next Sunday...I was always relieved how readily he had accepted my response and after a few times of him asking and my refusing I had become rather smug in my response to him asking.. boy was I going to be in for a surprise...this story occured in the fall of 1971 around late September I believe and lo and behold by January ...early January of 1972...after beginning to attend church on a regular basis ( thank you son...)...I saw my lost condition as a sinner and I came to understand the need to repent thereof and the glorious...wonderful glorious Salvation that I could have in accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour...my Resurrection and my life!...hallelujah what a Saviour...and hallelujah what a son...may Jesus Christ be praised!!!

Not This Sunday Son

Not this Sunday son, I'll go next Sunday
Was a line I used so successfully 
It had worked four weeks in a row, I was on a roll
But God had a surprise in store for me
Sunday five comes along and sure enough my son
Are you coming to church this morning dad
Are you coming to church today?
Not this morning son I said maybe next Sunday I'll go
These were the words that 
my lips began to say

But dad! You're a dad and you're  supposed to keep your promises
You've promised me you'd go so many times
I stood their dumbfounded, here was a five year old boy
Challenging me that I must tow the line
Why did I ever tell him that, that was my first response
Now for sure he had me on the hook
Okay, okay I'll go I said but under two conditions
His eyes kind of stared at me with a starry eyed look

What are those conditions dad swiftly he replied
He was anxious with his sister and mom to know
I said " we will sit at the back and this will be my first and last time going"
Ok dad He said...now let's get ready and go
What had I got myself into was my questioning thought
Why oh why had I ever promised him this
Now I had to follow through to show him I was a man
A man who should have kept his promises

But God used that interchange to lead me in a way 
In a way for me to hear His Word that day
And I broke my own condition factors that I had set forth
For but a few weeks later my night turned into day
Praise God He keeps His promises His Word is ever true
His every Word is always yea and amen
That's why our faith has a Rock solid foundation
And we  believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is coming again

Thank you son for challenging me to honor what I say
You held me most accountable that's for sure
Because of your persistence I stand as a believer today
As well most of our family...their faith too is assured
When we get to heaven and rehearse our path of faith
I can picture in my mind the one I'll have
"Are you coming to church this morning dad" will be ringing in my ears
A message from my own dear child...what a precious lad!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright August  5  2020  8:00 AM

Gary James Smith

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Submitted: Saturday, May 21, 2022

Last Updated: Saturday, May 21, 2022

About the Poet
I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour in January of 1972. I was married on Oct 21,1966 to my wife Linda who also loves the Lord. We have ten children and now twenty-four grand children. In Aug 2012 we got the announcement of the birth of our first GREAT grand child (a baby girl). I was thrilled to find others of like precious faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior! I am presently living in Champion, Alberta, Canada but we are originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. That is where the poem Canadian Tribute to America was birthed. One Sunday as I walked across the city on my way to church I came to the top of a hill and looked across at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After watching the events of the Sept 11 tragedy it was weighing on my heart and mind and the Lord gave me these words. We came to Calgary and when my oldest daughter saw this poem she said, �Dad, what�s this?� and I said a poem and she replied �Dad, that�s not a poem , that�s a song� and she then went to the piano and began to sing and play it. The result of which turned into a song entitled, A Canadian Tribute to America which she recorded on CD. garyjamessmith2005@yahoo.ca

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