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I Met Someone with Many Struggles..
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By James Pemberton
Other Poems by James Pemberton

I Was Talking To Someone With Many Struggles,…


I was talking with someone with many struggles.

It seemed like everything he tried just meant “trouble.”


He was trying to pay the bills the best he could.

Why he had so much trouble….  Wasn’t understood?


He asked why God could allow him so many trials…

He had certainly traveled many journeys and miles!


He asked for prayer and I didn’t know what to say.

I knelt with him and bowed down to pray.


I remembered the journeys I had been through.

And at times I really didn’t know “what to do!”


I remembered when it seemed like

the world was “crashing in.”

There was no one I could turn to...  Not even a friend!


I cried; “Lord, If I lose everything else but still have you…”

“Then I don’t care what happens or what others do!”


As I shared with him the struggles I’ve dealt with,,,

I shared with him God’s love that I’ve been blessed with!


As I shared with him I felt a “lifting” of his heavy burden.

His faith in Christ became all the more certain!


Jesus said; “in this word you shall have much tribulation.”

“I have overcome!” “Rejoice with jubilation!”


He is and will always be the answer

 to your every problem!

Won’t you invite him in and

 allow him to “solve them?”


His love is ever so patient, willing and kind…

And is here with you…  Every single time!


He is powerful!.  He’s the beginning and the end!

He’s all you ever need! 

Glory to God and AMEN!!!


By Jim Pemberton    (c) 2012

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Submitted: Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last Updated: Wednesday, June 6, 2012

About the Poet
I and my wife have 4 grown children and currently live in the Pacific Northwest. I've spent much of my life doing volunteer work in the food distribution for the needy among local churches. Many of the poems I've written are a reflection of times of adversity as a reminder of God's love and faithfulness. I've found many opportunities to share my poems with those who are hurting and discouraged. I'm thankful for the reports of many of the poems touching people's lives. I hope that the poems included on Wordchimes will touch and bless your life too!

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