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Many Families Need God's Healing!
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By James Pemberton
Other Poems by James Pemberton

Many Families Need God’s Healing!


I remember growing up in a Christian family.

We seemed joyful and very happy.


Things were going along rather well.

We loved each other... more than words could tell.


I think of the special love

between mom and dad.

As for my parents, I was proud and glad!


Over the years that rolled by.

Something happened.  I don't know why.


Our deep love became

replaced with "excuses."

Our relationships filed with

 "mean words and bruises."


This family... I once held close to my heart...

Began to "unravel and fall apart."


Our love for another became hard and cold.

Even to the day we grew old.


Everywhere... it is evident and appearing.

The family as a unit is quickly disappearing.


We must come together and

remove all bitterness.

Let’s walk in God's love and forgiveness!


We must appreciate one another…

in spite of our faults!

Standing together on Godly principles

brings good results!


It we insist on going our separate ways.

We'll be sorry one of these days.


The family is what God has put together.

It needs to be rooted in love,

both now and forever!


HIS love needs to be the glue that binds us as one.

Blessing every mom and dad...

daughter and son!


By Jim Pemberton   11/25/16

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Submitted: Friday, November 25, 2016

Last Updated: Friday, November 25, 2016

About the Poet
I and my wife have 4 grown children and currently live in the Pacific Northwest. I've spent much of my life doing volunteer work in the food distribution for the needy among local churches. Many of the poems I've written are a reflection of times of adversity as a reminder of God's love and faithfulness. I've found many opportunities to share my poems with those who are hurting and discouraged. I'm thankful for the reports of many of the poems touching people's lives. I hope that the poems included on Wordchimes will touch and bless your life too!

Other Poems by James Pemberton

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