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Have you heard The GOOD NEWS
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By James Pemberton
Other Poems by James Pemberton

Have You Heard the GOOD NEWS?

I get so tired of hearing about

 “the latest scandal…”

It makes me wonder; “how much

more can this world  handle?”


It seems like each day, on the news,...

 it speaks of “another killing…”

Are these types of things really a part of “living?”


There must be more to life than

 what we hear on the news…

More to life than a cigarette

 or a bottle of booze…


There’s a simple message for

 us that must be heard…

The secret to true living you can

 find reading God’s word!


It reads; “all have sinned and

fallen short of God’s glory…”

But wait!  This isn’t the end of the story!


His word also speaks of

God’s redeeming grace…

This can be found anywhere. 

 And any place


His grace can be found through

 Christ’s atonement…

His love can make you a new person…

 This very moment!


His word also says; “where there was sin…

 Grace did much more abound!”

A brand new life in Christ... 

Today…  Can be found!


This GOOD NEWS can transform

 you by the power of the cross!

This is what this world needs… 

That is dying and lost!


Spending time with Jesus is always

 time well spent!

May tomorrow’s news read;

“Another sinner has chosen to repent!”


By Jim Pemberton  (c) 2010


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Submitted: Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last Updated: Friday, January 22, 2010

About the Poet
I and my wife have 4 grown children and currently live in the Pacific Northwest. I've spent much of my life doing volunteer work in the food distribution for the needy among local churches. Many of the poems I've written are a reflection of times of adversity as a reminder of God's love and faithfulness. I've found many opportunities to share my poems with those who are hurting and discouraged. I'm thankful for the reports of many of the poems touching people's lives. I hope that the poems included on Wordchimes will touch and bless your life too!

Other Poems by James Pemberton

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