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Heart's Tree
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By N/A
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Heart's Tree

There are many branches, that grow out of my heart,
directions that I've traveled...good intentions at the start.
Adventures in this game of life, seeing where they'll lead,
searching for....I don't know what...a never-ending need?

Faces on these branches, like leaves in Autumn's frost,
drop swiftly from these branches...scattered 'bout and lost.
Some I don't remember, the wind has blown afar,
Some gone to where hurting things only leave a scar.

Some were stuck inside me, with tears that fell like rain,
to pull them loose in memory, only left a stain.
Imprinted on my heart's wall, and can't be washed away,
to haunt me with sadness...some most every day.

You ask why I remember, why I even take a glance,
why not prune my heart's 'tree'...cut off every branch!
Strip my heart asunder, make it so it's bare,
then maybe it will flourish, so new life can grow there.

Yet, surely with this pruning, the branch that grows anew,
would be the same as always without old points to view.
New branches grafted to my heart, must grow out from the old,
attached to veins of memory, for new life to unfold.

All that's gone before me....blood, sweat and tears,
happy times and sad times, throughout all my years,
will only prove to serve me, grow each branch anew,
healthier and stronger when mixed with 'tried and true'.

As seasons of my lifetime, slowly slip away,
the pruning of my heart's 'tree', changes everyday.
Many die in winter, when met with cold and snow...
icy heart that's frozen, where branches just can't grow.

Yet seasons 'round my heart's 'tree', emerging from the cold,
grafted branches flourish, where new leaves unfold.
Yes, some will die before their time...most will fall away;
some will go the season...a few forever stay.

seeker of dreams
my heart's tree grows....

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Submitted: Friday, July 7, 2006

Last Updated: Wednesday, August 8, 2007

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