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I Have a Friend for You
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By N/A
Other Poems by N/A

I see it all around me, those hungry, hurting eyes,
so willing to believe in, deceitful, luring lies.
The emptiness they fear so much already fills their heart
and who is going to listen, when it all falls apart?

My friend, let me tell you about a Man I know;
My friend, let me tell you of a hiding place to go.
My friend, let me share with you a love beyond compare;
My friend, I have a Friend for you, One who'll really care.

You'll not find your answer in dancing all night long,
Or lying with a stranger where you don't belong.
To bear a child who'll love you, to raise all alone,
Or fill that void within your heart with things that leave you stoned.

My friend, let me tell you about a Man I know;
My friend, let me tell you of a hiding place to go.
My friend, let me share with you a love beyond compare;
My friend, I have a Friend for you, One who'll really care.

You tell me that you know this Friend, and that He understands.
You tell yourself you have the time to someday make amends.
You can't know when you will die or when Jesus will return
so how you live your life, my friend should be of great concern.

So my friend, let me tell you, about a Man I know;
Dear friend, He's the hiding place to heal your hurting soul.
My friend, let me share with you a love beyond compare;
My friend, I have a Friend for you, One Who'll really care.

Yes, He's waiting friend to meet you, He loves you, don't you know?
He's waiting to draw near to you if you'll only turn and go
into the arms that wait for you, to hold you through your night,
to listen friend to all your hurt and bring you peace of mind.
My friend, He'll heal your broken heart and bring you peace of mind.

Bonnie David

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Submitted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Last Updated: Tuesday, December 9, 2003

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