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The Calling
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times

By Lucia Kiersch Haase
Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase

The Calling


I've seen the Winter beckoning the Spring
when sunshine melted drifted layers of snow;
I've seen the robins hop and heard them sing
amidst the new born crocus, all aglow.
I've felt within, the wind that blew my hair
a new found warming breadth o're ancient earth
that held my being, making me aware
of season's change, new life and hallowed birth.
I've harkened to the greening, tender thaw
before my gaze and here beneath my feet;
I've kept inside the beauty that I saw
while counting every bud I'de yet to meet,
and held those miracles in window's view-
expectant of those visions, this year...too.


Galatians 4:10...'You are observing special days, months, seasons and years.'

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Submitted: Monday, February 3, 2014

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 4, 2014

About the Poet
Poet and follower of Christ as a direct result of several spiritual experiences in my life.

Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase

Currently Playing: Canon in D

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