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Her Window's View
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Lucia Kiersch Haase
Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase

Her Window's View

She watches from her window's view
a jumping, carefree little girl
whose arms are raised to try to catch
the Autumn leaves in wind, awhirl.

The little girl is running now,
for all around her, treasures flow;
there's red and gold - there's orange and brown-
a beckoning from leaves aglow.

She watches from her window's view
a little girl that she has known;
she ponders how the seasons passed,
and how this little girl has grown.

Her face touches the window screen;
the wind blows as it always does...
she watches from her window's view-
the little girl that she once was...


(Gal.4:10...You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!)

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Submitted: Friday, September 28, 2012

Last Updated: Friday, September 28, 2012

About the Poet
Poet and follower of Christ as a direct result of several spiritual experiences in my life.

Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase

Currently Playing: Nocturne in B flat minor

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