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By Lucia Kiersch Haase
Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase



The dusk plays perfectly, Brahm's Lullaby-
acoustic winds concordant with the sky,
as woodland soon will venture into sleep-
so lulled within the great eternal keep.

For miles, one can hear a cricket choir
re-echo out beyond the crimson fire
that frames the forest 'fore the quiet night-
a final rhapsody of brilliant light.

Moonlight's sonata then begins to play
and woodland gleams an iridescent way
engulfing pillared trees in mist-like sheen-
pearlizing all within opaque washed beams.

Then soon, on the horizon, peeking through
bright morning sun in Canon D anew
enlightens jewels of dew fluorescently,
reflecting rainbow light from tree to tree.

And one bird...then another starts to sing-
the woodland is for sure awakening,
all glowing midst the melody of sun-
another hallowed day on earth begun...

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Submitted: Monday, May 14, 2012

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

About the Poet
Poet and follower of Christ as a direct result of several spiritual experiences in my life.

Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase

Currently Playing: Canon in D

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