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By Lucia Kiersch Haase
Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase


A blazing ball o're Winter white
sends ray like fingers that unfold;
it 'tis the dawning's hallowed light
that changes here the snow to gold
up to the woods across the field;
a brand new morn is now revealed.

Encompassing the rising sun,
an ancient shade of blue God chose
now brightens here this day begun-
'Oh glory!' cries each cloud that glows;
no wind, just solitude and breeze-
no stirring in the distant trees.

Then suddenly, a lone crow's call
goes echoing through chilly air,
perhaps proclaiming here the Law-
God's creatures too...are they aware?--
of His divine accord, so true...
'My peace,' He said...'I leave with you.'

Written in sestet verse as William Wordsworth's 'The Daffodils'.

John 14:27...'Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give you. I do not give to you
                      as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.'

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Submitted: Friday, February 6, 2015

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 10, 2015

About the Poet
Poet and follower of Christ as a direct result of several spiritual experiences in my life.

Other Poems by Lucia Kiersch Haase

Currently Playing: Canon in D

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