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Our Faithful Companion
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Christine Tate
Other Poems by Christine Tate

Our Faithful Companion

When you feel lonely and blue
and no one will listen to you,
be reassured that Jesus does
amid the chaos and the buzz.
He's not a man that He should lie,
on His word you can rely...
there are seasons that arrive,
times we battle to survive...
difficult trials that are relentless,
things occurring that seem senseless...
thru it all the Lord is there,
He has lots of time to spare.
He knows exactly how you feel,
and your broken heart will heal.
By the Lord you've been selected,
you never have to feel neglected.
Abandon you God never will,
plans He began He shall fulfill.


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Submitted: Monday, January 9, 2012

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 10, 2012

About the Poet
Christian since 1973, widowed in 2007, but by the divine appt. of God, I married a wonderful, godly widower in Oct. 2010. Three grown, married sons and eight grandchildren. My first love is Jesus who inspires my pen, for apart from Him I can do nothing! I desire to honor the Lord and edify readers thru poetry He inspires.

Other Poems by Christine Tate

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