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The Affirmation Of Salvation
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Gary James Smith
Other Poems by Gary James Smith

The Affirmation Of Salvation

The affirmation of Salvation
It is the souls delight
To be released from sin's penalty
And freed to walk in the light
With now knowing that our God
Who spoke this world to be
Can you believe it?!!!....can you believe it!
Now lives inside of me

I loved those baby steps of faith
After I first believed
The miracle of the divine transaction
When Jesus Christ I received
Before the blood...it had no meaning
It was simply a part of my flesh
But to think of the precious blood of Christ
Who shed His for me no less

My faith can never lose its flavour
For it's made of Spiritual fruit
God has not only forgiven my sins
But lives within me to boot
When on such a glorious morning
And the birds begin to sing
I cannot but think they're thanking their Maker
The God of everything

I'm content whatever my lot
And at times it may not be much
But there's a contentment that money can't buy
It's a soul who's felt God's touch
And knows for sure...one hundred percent
Where it'll be spending eternity
All because of a repentant heart
That believed on Calvary

I love to hear those gospel songs
They tell it so well in words
That wonderful day when we became believer's
And put our trust in the Lord
When our sin nature was exposed
And revealed for its damnation
And the wonderful gift that was offered to us
The Lord Jesus Christ our Salvation

If you happen to be walking by me someday
And you hear me whistling or humming a song
You can bet your last dollar it will be an old hymn
And if you'd like too...just sing along
The happiest campers in this whole world
Are the ones who know its Creator
What is the thrill of your heart my friend
May you find it yourself in the Saviour!

Can you believe it!...always available 
For our God doesn't sleep or slumber
Your life is under twenty four seven surveillance 
That's right friend He's got your number
What you do in the night is to Him as the day
Don't let Satan fool you
There's an accounting for sin some day
Who will you have to rule you?

I'd rather be satisfied to know my sin
Was dealt with at Calvary
And a new beginning with God as my Fafher
Could be the best life for me
What holds you back or might I say who
Or have you ever questioned that
You may not be as free as you think my friend
Don't be deceived by the Angel of light

It just takes a prayer for your first step of faith
God I believe You exist
If there be such a thing as knowing Christ as my Saviour
I don't want to miss out on this
I see where my folly has led me astray
My sins piled up in a heap
Please forgive me for all I have done
My need of You Lord is deep...

Please forgive me for all I have done
My need of You Lord is deep!!!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright June 15  2020  9:30 AM

Gary James Smith

You know sometimes you hear a hymn being sung and something will stand out in that hymn or if you are listening to a gospel message being presented and something will stand out in it..it will speak to your heart and that becomes a catalyst for a poem...in the writing of this poem the hymn...Ye Must Be Born Again...kept rearing it wonderful tone and words so I'm going to encourage you to google it...Ye Must Be Born Again...if you are an unbeliever the song is taken out of the story of a ruler coming to Jesus by night and asking Him how one can enter the kingdom of heaven....Jesus told him that he must be born again and went on to explain how we have a natural birth ( through mom and dad's relationship)...but because of man's fallen sin nature we now need a Spiritual birth...to be born from above...maybe you've never ever heard of this before...if you've never read the new testament gospel of John chapter three then most definetly you haven't...don't you think it wise as celebrating this day of our Lord...June 15th 2020....to give Lord Jesus's words some thoughtful consideration...I pray you do...after all He's Lord of both Heaven and earth...aren't you thankful or maybe you haven't really given it a thought that there's a God who is relentlessly seeking after your Salvation in spite of your consistent distancing yourself from Him...friend there's a Salvation available free to you because of the price Christ paid for your sin...His shed blood!!!!! Can you believe it!!!!....I trust you will and that today might be day of the most joyous undertaking of your life when you express from the depths of your heart...God be merciful to me a sinner....God would love to hears those words expressed from your heart and lips today...and so would I....

That if thou shalt confess with Thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved....for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation...

Hallelujah what a Saviour!
God is most highly concerned about the changing of your heart for it is out of our hearts that proceed the issues of life....amen!

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Submitted: Monday, June 15, 2020

Last Updated: Tuesday, June 16, 2020

About the Poet
I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour in January of 1972. I was married on Oct 21,1966 to my wife Linda who also loves the Lord. We have ten children and now twenty-four grand children. In Aug 2012 we got the announcement of the birth of our first GREAT grand child (a baby girl). I was thrilled to find others of like precious faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior! I am presently living in Champion, Alberta, Canada but we are originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. That is where the poem Canadian Tribute to America was birthed. One Sunday as I walked across the city on my way to church I came to the top of a hill and looked across at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After watching the events of the Sept 11 tragedy it was weighing on my heart and mind and the Lord gave me these words. We came to Calgary and when my oldest daughter saw this poem she said, �Dad, what�s this?� and I said a poem and she replied �Dad, that�s not a poem , that�s a song� and she then went to the piano and began to sing and play it. The result of which turned into a song entitled, A Canadian Tribute to America which she recorded on CD. garyjamessmith2005@yahoo.ca

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