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Thy Beautiful Garden of Prayer
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times

By Gary James Smith
Other Poems by Gary James Smith


We were at a gathering recently
To the which we were asked to attend
It wasn't for one of our family members
But for a family members friend.
In this case it was our daughters
We had met her friend at a meal
She was moving to another location
And had made to us this appeal.
Basically what she said was,
"I would like you and your wife to attend
For you to have brought your daughter into this world
It has been a blessing to me without end!"
So by our daughters blessing
My wife and I did go
It was with a bit of apprehension
For, who were we there to know.
At that early morning gathering
In a hotel conference room
We placed our name labels upon our chests
For the meeting would be starting soon.
My wife helped out at the table
Where the guest book was in view
She greeted the new arrivals with
A smile and a "How do you do?"
Soon the room was entertained by
Some songs from a man named Steve
They must have pleased the ears of the crowd
Because no one got up to leave.
He seemed like a pleasant fellow
As he began to work the crowd
His sound system was set at just the right level
Not too low and as well not too loud.
Found out that it was her son in law to be
So he got in a rib or two
Nothing Like taking advantage of a situation
I probably would do that too.
As others stood up and gave testimony
To what my daughter's friend meant to them
My heart filled with a deeper appreciation
For these friends of my daughter's friend.
There were packets of seeds at each table
To remind us of some seeds she did sow
She planted and watered and God gave the increase
It's telling on each face did show.
My heart filled up with these praises
Each story a tribute to God
How one life can be such a blessing
When love seeds are planted in sod.
She sowed, she planted, she watered
She basked the whole process in prayer
Tears of appreciation and joy flowed down my face
What a privilege I thought - to be there!
Her flower garden was of such fragrance
Each one in their own unique way
Standing up tall for their Master
As the wind of the Spirit did sway.
Oh, I thought "Lord make me worthy,
Help me to love and to care
Help me to see others living for Thee
By Thy beautiful garden of prayer!
Oh yes, and about our daughter
She saved the best for the end
She sang that well known Christian song
About being a Forever Friend!
Copyright Gary James Smith
June 6, 2007 @ 6:30 a.m

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Submitted: Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 5, 2007

About the Poet
I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour in January of 1972. I was married on Oct 21,1966 to my wife Linda who also loves the Lord. We have ten children and now twenty-four grand children. In Aug 2012 we got the announcement of the birth of our first GREAT grand child (a baby girl). I was thrilled to find others of like precious faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! What a Savior! I am presently living in Champion, Alberta, Canada but we are originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. That is where the poem Canadian Tribute to America was birthed. One Sunday as I walked across the city on my way to church I came to the top of a hill and looked across at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After watching the events of the Sept 11 tragedy it was weighing on my heart and mind and the Lord gave me these words. We came to Calgary and when my oldest daughter saw this poem she said, �Dad, what�s this?� and I said a poem and she replied �Dad, that�s not a poem , that�s a song� and she then went to the piano and began to sing and play it. The result of which turned into a song entitled, A Canadian Tribute to America which she recorded on CD. garyjamessmith2005@yahoo.ca

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