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Who Is This?
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Bernetha F. Wise
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Who is this that says to the storm, wind and waves - peace be still - the Messiah, the Son of God has come into our lives - with power and glory - to tell the gospel story - who is this who healed the lame, saying rise up and walk - Jesus our Healer heals all of our diseases - by His stripes - it is done - who is this who has absolute authority over the physical and spiritual world - the flaming arrows of the enemy are extinguished in His Almighty Hands - on Christ the solid Rock I stand - who is this who defeated death, hell and the grave - victorious over His foes - who is this who brings eternal life to all who seek, ask and knock - believing in the risen One - our Savior, Redeemer and friend - who loves  us so much He gave  Himself as a sacrifice for our sins - who is this who hears our call -  when we whisper a prayer - who is this who hears our cry in the night and sends His song of deliverance

Who is this?

Who is this - He is the Divine Holy seed sent from heaven’s door -  a ransom for our soul - ending satan’s reign when we accept Jesus in our hearts-  changing, molding, shaping and transforming - making us a new creation  - who is this - whose Spirit comforts all who mourn wrapping us in angel’s wings - in His sweet embrace - we are saved - we are protected - who is this - He is the Great Shepherd - who calls His sheep to rest - to walk alongside - bringing His grace and mercy - and goodness - His footsteps brings His wayward sheep back to the fold - who is this who calls us His own - abiding always under His sheltering wings - resting on His eternal breast - protecting us from the raging storms of life - we stand secure in the power of the Most High God - I can answer the question for

I know who He is!

He is love and more than enough for me!

By: Bernetha F. Wise


October 30, 2015             

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Submitted: Monday, November 9, 2015

Last Updated: Tuesday, November 10, 2015

About the Poet
I was born in Lexington County, SC. I lived in Jacksonville, Florida for many years.I recently moved back home to my home town, Columbia, SC. I have one daughter, Kimberly. I now have two brothers. One went to be with the Lord in January, 2010. My Mom went to be with the Lord, Memorial Day May 28, 2012. Among the things I am grateful for and remembering about her is my salvation. She was a strong passionate woman of God all of her life and a beautiful loving Mother. I was saved and baptized in the ocean in Rota, Spain. What an experience that was! Holy Spirit chased me and drew me to Himself, while I was alone in another country. I surrendered to the Lord, and His peace flooded my soul. It was so beautiful. I am so happy he saved me and redeemed me. I am so happy to share these poems from His heart and mine. Poetry is a release and has inspired and encouraged me and many who have read my poetry. I was blessed to write for a number of years on Crossway Publications and had over 300 poems that I wrote on the site. God has increased my gift with more beautiful poetry. In 2005 my poetic writings seemed to catch the fire of God and have a deeper meaning. I thank God for this chance to share my poetry with all. God Bless...

Other Poems by Bernetha F. Wise

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