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Randy Rich


In the tangerine parade

January whispers the watchful Saints,

Quiet, inward as waterfalls

Silent as February in Maine.

In the tangerine parade

March lights the Kansas plains,

Bluebonnets pause, bluebirds call

April flowers blossom in rain.

In the tangerine parade

May arrives on the east coast train,

Stars and starships search in awe

Of June sonatas in sugar canes.

In the tangerine parade

July soars with sunny days,

Picnics, prayers, under cedar moss

Children race through August hay.

In the tangerine parade

September colors the window panes,

Geese in Canada trumpet fall

Harvest gathers October flames.

In the tangerine parade

Snows in November on Nantucket bay,

Colors march down southern halls

To December, and Jesus on Christmas day.

Posted to Miscellaneous by @ 1:14 pm EDT

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