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Rose-petal Mother (for Mother's Day
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times

By Louis Gander
Other Poems by Louis Gander

Rose-petal Mother

The morning dew settles

like tears on rose petals.

They cry out for time to return -

and beckon lost seasons

of God-given reasons

as sad notes on my guitar yearn.


You're queen of the givers.

It brings to me shivers

that I was so selfishly made.

Your name defines 'humble'

as my words now crumble

on flowers that I now invade.


Your hands were like Heaven,

unselfishly given,

beyond just the people you knew -

from city to country,

from wealthy to hungry -

and all of the rest of us too.


As butterflies flutter,

I still try to utter

some truth of your beautiful love.

But now, it is just us -

and words don't bring justice

as sunlight spills down from above.


Those simple deflections

of sunlight's reflections

now glimmer like diamonds at play -

in memories briefly

that I see routinely

as if they were just yesterday.


I am not deserving

of all I'm observing

in memories coming to mind -

surrounded by perfume

with roses in full bloom

recalling that you were most kind.


I'll always remember

that freezing December

when I erred and brought you to tears.

When you found me straying,

for me, you were praying -

and over the many long years.


Some mothers are brand new,

but none can compare to

my rose-petal mother, that's true.

While laughter was looming,

our smiles were blooming.

There's none other better than you.


I do so adore you -

shall always continue.

I'd never trade you for another.

Up deep from the earth-plow,

what words can I sing now?

I love you, my rose-petal mother.


Alive still, your caring,

through rose petal sharing.

So many, I can't see them all.

Afloat on the breezes,

each rose petal eases

the pain of the weak as they fall.


Your petals continue

to live on without you.

They float around ever so free.

Like soft downy feather,

I don't wonder whether

some petals will fall upon me.


It's not at all easy

to sing thoughts so deeply

when sung with my dusty guitar.

I find I've distorted

all good you're recorded.

My rose-petal mother, you are.


And it's not by my choice

I miss hearing your voice,

so moistness now covers my eyes.

With fingers still strumming

I hear myself humming

while words get choked up in my cries.


With eyes very blurry

I'm now in no hurry

to vacate this most sacred place.

I can't be more lonely.

I wish I could only

receive one more loving embrace.


I love you so deeply

that when I am sleepy

see rose petals filling the sky.

My rose-petal mother,

my rose-petal mother,

I'll see you in Heaven...  Bye bye.


©2017 louis gander

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Submitted: Saturday, April 22, 2017

Last Updated: Saturday, April 22, 2017

About the Poet
Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin in 1954. It's the poem's message that matters- not the poet.

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