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Fast Jack & Tom (humor)
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 2 times

By Louis Gander
Other Poems by Louis Gander

Fast Jack & Tom

Please tell me, "Is there greener grass

that we have been denied -

across life's busy highway?

What's on the other side?"


Fast Jack, the Rabbit, wanted more

than his ol' world could bring.

So started, he, across life's road

with optimistic sing.


And Tom, the Turtle, thought he too,

could find his life's reward -

so set his mind to follow Jack -

as big, bad engines roared.


Now Jack was quick and darted o'er

the line that marked the tar -

whizzing past a left rear tire

then under low sports car.


So, Tom, the Turtle, then began.

He lifted one front toe -

but pulled it back quite quickly 'cause,

he couldn't start his 'go'.


And patiently, he stood his ground

right there beside the road.

It's then he heard a chuckle

and a smirk from Timmy Toad.


Yet patiently, he waited there

and almost fell asleep -

if not for noisy tires

from a muddy off-road jeep.


Now half-way 'cross the highway

that 'ol rabbit zagged his wrath -

between the bumpers back and forth.

He zigged a crazy path.


About this time Tom turtle saw

his chance to get across -

but if he wasn't quick enough

he'd end up 'turtle sauce'.


His feet, he shifted into gear.

His legs were filled with pow'r!

His speeds went unrecorded, but

I've heard "nine stones per hour"...


Hence, gap between the traffic

wasn't big enough for Tom.

A Cadillac, that fast approached,

was driven by a mom.


The tire on that Cadillac

caught edge of Tom's hard shell.

It flipped him forty feet through air -

and things did not go well...


Tom did a dozen somersaults,

then landed on his back.

He heard a scream, "Get off of me!"

that came from - yes, Fast Jack.


Well, Jack was somewhat angered

when a semi smacked the two.

It threw him back across the road

and spun Tom dizzy too.


It's then Tom rolled right off the road

there on the other side.

With Tom and Jack on either side

they learned life's road was wide.


The moral to this poem is that

Jack had gotten meaner.

And like the fence dividing lawns,

Tom found the grass, not greener.


Now isn't it a futile life,

that Jack and Tom had tried -

despite abundant grass God gave

to each on either side?


Our pride, greed, lust and envy too -

are like a somersault -

but pain and bandages received

are really our own fault.


©2015 louis gander


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Submitted: Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 1, 2015

About the Poet
Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin in 1954. It's the poem's message that matters- not the poet.

Other Poems by Louis Gander

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