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A Day with the Lord
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Gerald Bergeron
Other Poems by Gerald Bergeron

A Day with the Lord

How would you feel if Jesus decided to spend a day with you? Would that make you change your attitude, or those things you normally do?


How about all those feelings you have, like bitterness, anger and strife. Will He see in you a servant’s heart, when He looks into your life?


He may just want to go shopping with you, to see how your day will start, what will He hear coming out of your mouth, as someone bangs into your cart.


 Later He may set down at your table, to see how you keep your books. He may wonder why you cheat on your taxes, and call other people crooks.


What if He asks you to loan Him your new car, just to see what you will say.  What will you do if He gives back the keys, and says to give this car away? 


What about your religious living, is your home life and church life the same? Will He see that you are different, or just playing a Christian game?


  If He should ask if He could live with you, would it cause you to change your plans? Would you welcome Him into your home, because your life is in His hands?


What if you did not know it was Jesus; would you still treat Him like your friend? Would you send Him out into the cold, because your rules you could not bend?


 If a man does not work he should not eat, this has been your favorite verse. If he is not rich, then he is not like you, but walking in a curse.


Therefore, you send this stranger on his way, and you make your judgment clear.  Even if God had called him to you, it is as if you did not hear.


 However, what if this visitor was Jesus, who wanted to see what you would do? What if you left Him naked, cold, and hungry, what then would He think of you.


 I know you believe you would not have to worry, just to walk with the Lord for one day. However, the truth is He wants to live in you, to enter your heart and stay.


 Yet a house that has no master is like a lamp without its light. It would be like a building full of clutter, or eyes that have no sight.


Jesus wants to set you free, to change you before you die. He said that He would come and live in you, and you know He cannot lie.


Therefore, the next time someone comes to you, just be careful what you say. That person just may be Jesus, who has come to spend the day.


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Submitted: Friday, January 4, 2013

Last Updated: Friday, January 4, 2013

About the Poet
I am an author of seven christian books all self published, and a believers bible study Journal. One of my books is a poetry book with about 200 poems. I am married and have three sons and a daughter, love writing Christian poetry.

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