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God's Love
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 1 time

By Tammy Straube
Other Poems by Tammy Straube

God's Love

God's Love never leaves you...

nor forsakes you,

He's like a whisper in the wind,

although subtle, always there.

His voice speaks through the trees.,

sometimes soft,

sometimes strong,

though, always there.

Feel his touch,

grasp his love,

For God's love never leaves you...

nor forsakes you.

For his love remains strong throughout it all.


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Submitted: Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Last Updated: Thursday, March 7, 2013

About the Poet
Hello, My name is Tammy Straube and I am an avid christian poetry writer that has been writing for quite sometime. The poetry that I write is only to 'glorify' God. I write from the heart and I do not necessarily have one particular style in mind. Previously, my poetry was published on www.christianpoetry.org by crossway publications. It is with great sadness that I tell you that they have closed that website down due to the new owner not being able to keep up with the demand of the website. I was fortunate enough to have met some wonderful christian poet's from all around the world there and fortunately enough I am still able to keep in contact with some of them. I also look forward to meeting new christian poet's here and reading their poetry that they write. I hope to be an inspiration to other's as well, with what I write.

Other Poems by Tammy Straube

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