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Empowerment of the Spirit Filled

From:"Journey into the Spirit Empowered Life" by Rev. Chris Vennetti, founder of Disciple Nations.

Too many of our families have suffered spiritual death due to a lack of love in the home. As we prepare our lives to be vessels of God's Spirit we can believe Him to fill us with is love and transform every aspect of our family.

Ask the Holy Spirit how He would have your marriage/family begin to go deeper in your unconditional love for one another. ...

In Taiwan, there was a man who claimed to be a Christian, but he was in the habit of beating his wife. As a result she had vowed that if this was Christianity, she wanted nothing to do with it. Their daughter became a Christian and heard about the teaching of establishing God's Kingdom in the family. She was instructed that even if one member of the family is born again, they can shift the spiritual atmosphere of the home.

As a result, she began to personally ask God's Spirit to establish His Kingdom in their family. She began to be a Spirit-Empowered vessel of His Life to those around her. As a result of this shift in her lifestyle and the spiritual fruit that was coming from her life, within a short period of time, God had so changed the heart of her mother that she began asking her daughter questions about Jesus. Soon after this , her mother gave her life to Jesus Christ. She then forgave her husband and began to love him unconditionally, in spite of his past sins against her.

The man was so touched by this undeserved love that he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ as well. The whole family then began seeking Jesus together! Praise God.

Posted to Religious by @ 10:45 am EDT

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