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WordChimes Founder Quentin Clingerman

Today's Featured Poet is

Wendy Sparling

Birth Place
Sidney, B.C.

Age Category

Birth month and day
july 11th

Some High School


Oil painting, poetry, fishing, hunting, crafts and woodwork.

Awards or achievements
I achieved many thing's in life. Love, endurance and just being the best person I can.

Marital status

2 sons/4 grandsons/1 grand-daughter

Published works
My Mother's Daughter, Angelic Pools of Infinity, and Awakening Her Senses © WordChimes

Volunteer work
Housework! (little humor here) Just ask and I will help.

Poetry writing experience
I have been writing poetry since 2003. enough said...I need a lot of practice :)

State or country in which the poet resides

About the Poet
I enjoy writing poetry, oil painting, gardening, fishing and anything I can create with my hands. I have 6 grandchildren, and have been married for 43 years. Life is good!

See what this poet has written

Chime Of The Day

July 26, 2024

He Kindled the Fire
Viewed Last 24 Hours: 24 times

By Christine Tate
Other Poems by Christine Tate
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He Kindled the Fire

The Lord kindled the fire, don't let it die out,
flush out the lies that cause you to doubt.
silence the whispers that tickle your ear,
resist all the voices which conjure up fear.
Jesus, the eternal word, is the flame burning bright,
He's your beacon of hope in the darkness of night!
The light which is Christ shines thru you and I
revealing His luster to each passerby.
He kindled the fire that is blazing today,
may His radiant glow guide those gone astray!





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